What is the Process?
You will book a date and time for your initial phone consult. Once you have paid you have secured that date/time. You will receive an email inviting you to fill out a questionnaire. We will have a 1 hour phone consultation. Following this I will write and send you a plan with a parenting method of your choosing. I will then follow up with you for 1 - 2 weeks depending on the package. Tweaks/changes/support will be given in such time.
How long does it take?
That depends on a variety of different factors, such as the phone consult or any needed doctors notes. I endeavor to get your plan through to you within 5 business days of you filling out the questionnaire. Typically it is a bit quicker than that.
What if i don’t want to do traditional settling methods?
That’s okay! There are plenty of gentle settling methods. However, it is important to remember that babies cry as a form of communication. Your baby will cry but we can choose a method that results in the least amount of crying.
Do I sleep train if my baby gets sick?
No! I don’t recommend sleep training if your baby/child is sick. Your child wants comfort and it should be given to them. Instead, try not to introduce any new sleep associations that you may find are very hard to break when your child gets better.
Do I have to fill out the questionaire and do the phone consult?
Yes. I cannot help you if you don't fill out the questionnaire. This way I can still help you if we do not have the phone consult. If you do not have the ability to fill out the questionnaire please contact me to discuss it further.